616-475-5881 info@rpmins.org

Facts About the Neighborhood

We are located in the Roosevelt Park neighborhood of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here are some facts about the neighborhood so you can learn more about the people we serve!

Population: 5,462

  • 73% Hispanic
  • 14% African American
  • 11% Caucasian
  • 2% Other

37.4% of residents are under the age of 18.

53% do not have a high school diploma, and 42% have only a high school diploma or GED equivalent.

22% of residents of the Roosevelt Park neighborhood are unemployed.

48% of residents live below the poverty line.

The average house sells for $48,937.62.

On average, each year 568 crimes are committed; 215 of them are violent crimes.

Per capita income is $9,513.

For more facts and information on the Roosevelt Park neighborhood, please visit the Community Research Institute at http://cridata.org/
